Why do mediocre books get published?

Why do mediocre novels get published? My theory (and what writers can learn from it)

There’s little more frustrating than picking up a book and realising it’s BAY-AD. The characters are cardboard cut-outs. The action is melodramatic or unbelievable. It breaks every rule in your well-thumbed writing craft books. “How did this get published??” you wonder. If you’re a writer yourself, you might follow it…
Read More Why do mediocre novels get published? My theory (and what writers can learn from it)
Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

You’ll have to rearrange your life in order to write a novel – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer

If there’s one myth about writing that I hate, it’s the myth that great novels were written in snatched 5-minute bursts. “Get up earlier and write while drinking your morning coffee! Write in your lunch break! If you’re not writing while simultaneously making a risotto and changing a duvet cover,…
Read More You’ll have to rearrange your life in order to write a novel – Things I learned while writing Dead Ringer
Science of doppelgangers

Is there a stranger out there who shares your face? (guest post for Confessions of a YA Reader)

What is the likelihood that you have a doppelgänger somewhere in the world? The scientific facts are stranger than you think. The idea of the doppelgänger – a stranger who looks uncannily like you – stretches back through history. The superstition is that encountering your “double” is a bad omen…
Read More Is there a stranger out there who shares your face? (guest post for Confessions of a YA Reader)